Caspar David Friedrich on Mon

Kreidefelsen auf Rügen - Caspar David Friedrich
Caspar David Friedrich was one of the most important times in German early romanticism. He had specialized in beautiful landscapes and was able to bring light and clouds to perfection on the canvas. The most famous is certainly his “chalk cliffs on the island of Rügen”.

Few people know that the artist, born in Greifswald in 1774, studied painting at the Royal Art Academy in Copenhagen from 1794 to 1798. Greifswald was Swedish at the time and was on friendly terms with its twin city, Copenhagen.

At that time in Copenhagen you could study for free. On his way from Greifswald to Copenhagen and back, he repeatedly traveled to the island of Mön and was inspired by the beauty of the chalk cliffs. Here some of his most beautiful sketches were created, initially pure drawings and the idea for great chalk cliff paintings.

Photo: Wikimedia

See also  Günter Grass on the island of Mön

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